OCWEN is a financial corporation specializing in residential and commercial mortgage loan servicing. It is known to be among the best when it comes to loss mitigation. It also offers customers with asset management services and other special services relevant to mortgage loans and various home financing options.
OCWEN is among the best financial service providers who participated in the HAMP or Making Home Affordable Program of the U.S. Treasury Department. This is among the best options available for those who are facing foreclosures of their property as loan modifications are going to be created to suit their needs and capabilities. Short sales, settlements, deed in lieu of foreclosure, and other options are available.
With the acquisition of HomEq servicing, a U.S. non-prime mortgage servicing business of Barclays Bank PLC in 2010, OCWEN is able to increase its capacity as provider and lender. Partnering with Equator, there is a significant increase in its ability to help in prevention of foreclosures.
JohnHart is a company employing real estate agents who are responsible in providing a link among lenders, buyers, and homeowners. Working with OCWEN, we are able to help prevent foreclosures by finding the right solutions to fit your needs. We can help find a way to make sure that your credit ratings will remain high as we save your home for you. There are also a lot of options we can help you with, in terms of finding the best solution for your financial problems.
For more information on how JohnHart can assist you with your problems and in dealing with OCWEN, call 1-888-550-4440.
Having worked on over
500 short sales
we have experience with just about every lender! Below is a list of the lenders we work with most frequently, but if you don't see your lender do not worry, just give us a call.
We're here to help!
A Few Reasons Why JohnHart Is The Right Answer For Your Short Sale
Relocation Money
RELOCATION MONEY: (Shown on our "Success Cases" page as the "Total cash our short sale clients have receive")
Keep You Secure
We can keep you in your property for a long time, and during this period of time you do not have to make payments on your mortgage!*
Typically in a short sale the sellers receive no money, as they owe more than the property is worth; however one of the reasons people come to JohnHart is because WE ARE EXPERTS AT GETTING RELOCATION CASH! Sometimes as much as $30,000.00 can be negotiated from the bank as an incentive through the short sale process!
We Do The Heavy Lifting
We will handle everything for you, making this process as safe, seamless, and painless as possible!
No Cost to You
And this is all at no cost to you! ALL of our fees are paid by the lender, and at the onset of the process we will even sign an agreement with you stating that you are responsible for $0.00 arising from this process!