Information, Agents, and Properties For Sale in Beverly Hills,CA

Beverly Hills has some of the most expensive addresses, due to many movie stars and high-profile celebrities owning a property in the area. If you are planning on buying property anywhere in Beverly Hills, you will really need the services of a professional real estate agent. JohnHart Real Estate’s experienced staff will guide you through the Beverly Hills short sale listings to help you find the best home to meet your personal needs. Our company can also be helpful those who already own a house in Beverly Hills but are facing bankruptcy. There are number of ways for foreclosure prevention and agents from JohnHart Real Estate will guide you through the whole process as quickly as possible. It might be advised to place the property on our Beverly Hills short sale to meet the financial quotas and to keep the property from being foreclosed. Throughout the process of selling and finding a new home to fit your budget, we are here to help.

JohnHart Real Estate can help make an estimate to determine the best home value for your home. This is especially useful in distressed mortgages and those already underwater. There is no need to worry about your real estate problem because we can find the best solution to solve it. If you plan to sell it, we can place it on our list. Being on our list will bring your property closer to potential buyers who are looking for the best option to fit their needs.

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Agents Servicing Beverly Hills,CA

Laura Carballo

Laura Carballo

DRE License: 01942359

Elen Abramian

Elen Abramian

DRE License: 01770212

Byanka Rosales

Byanka Rosales

DRE License: 02129256

Lena Bazy

Lena Bazy

DRE License: 02039603

Sipan Movsesyan

Sipan Movsesyan

DRE License: 02155003

Iwona G. Riley

Iwona G. Riley

DRE License: 02015583

Emmy Fisen

Emmy Fisen

DRE License: 02201115

Sahil Nandwani

Sahil Nandwani

DRE License: 02022979

Joe Nahas

Joe Nahas

DRE License: 01975197

Henry Nazaryan

Henry Nazaryan

Broker Associate | Public Notary
DRE License: 01140732

Josue Lopez

Josue Lopez

DRE License: 02215443

Properties within 10 miles of Beverly Hills,CA